This is my actual name. Sorry for any confusion. Now, to describe me!I am a half albino lioness from the Northern White Plains (on the edge of the desert). My pride was wiped out by a fever nearly a...
View ArticleRe: Sha'Zen
Of course! Be warned, however, the Dark Pride travels FROM the south! Perhaps they know somwthing of your uncle ...?
View ArticleRe: Sha'Zen
Hey there, welcome. I removed the other two threads which you pointed out were faulty.
View ArticleRe: Sha'Zen
Thanks KovuNL. I hope whoevers name that was wasn't to peeved. I'm not sure how that happened.
View ArticleRe: Sha'Zen
hulloooooif youre on a public computer, then the last person who used it may have not signed out of their ezboard name![ROCK][BLOG][RETREAT]99 dreams I have had, and every one, a red balloon.It's all...
View ArticleRe: Sha'Zen
Well, DUH on me! I was using a computer in the lab at NSU. I'm a blatant idiot! *RASPBERRIES*
View ArticleRe: Sha'Zen
[ROCK][BLOG][RETREAT]99 dreams I have had, and every one, a red balloon.It's all over and I'm standin' pretty, in the dust that was a city.If I could find a souvenir, just to prove the world was...
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